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San Diego Botox Network
Botox for Seniors
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Dental Botox Procedures

Botox, in dental applications, can be used to relieve painful conditions triggered by the jaw muscles. As a therapeutic treatment, Dental Botox can play an integral role in dental implant surgery and TMJ treatments. The most common benefit is the reduction in the number of tooth clenching events and their intensity. It also helps reduce damage to teeth, the jaw and gums and helps to lessen discomfort in the teeth and jaw. Other benefits include the elimination of tension headaches and migraines and the disappearance of facial wrinkles.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?
  • Ages of 18 – 65
  • Facial pain from TMJ
  • Rid his/her facial wrinkles
  • Non-surgical solution
  • Temporary solution
  • Clenching or teeth grinding
  • Good physical health
  • Not pregnant or nursing
  • Migraine headaches
 What can I expect afterwards?

Muscle tenderness will start to disappear almost immediately. Pain and wrinkles begin to disappear within 24-48 hours after the injections, and the patient may continue to see wrinkles diminish up to one week after the procedure. There may be mild temporary bruising, numbness or redness around the injection site. A small number of patients reported no noticeable difference in the reduction of wrinkles.

San Diego Botox is a network of highly qualified medical specialists that are here to assist you in facilitating your Botox needs. We are a one-stop solution for Botox in San Diego.


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